
You are here :  Chez Pierre >> This site & Internet


This site & Internet

History of this site since the beginning (1997 until today)

It's here

About my distinguished visitors...

The 100.000th (mostly in French)

The 200.000th (in French)

The 300.000th (in French)

The 500.000th (in French)

The kitsh page :

Trophies, awards ;-)

Articles published in the media :

Le Journal des Enfants (Février 2000) (in French only)

WebEncyclo (Mai 2000) (in French only)

Passions Vietnam (Octobre 2000) (in French only)

Libération (Juin 2001) (in French only)

An article about viruses and Internet :

Click me :-) (in French only)

Some tips for the Net :

[ Twiyos ]

Frequently asked questions :


Page créée le 12 août 2001 -  Mise à jour le 15 février 2005

©opyright 1997-2007 Pierre Gieling - tous droits réservés

