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About... |
of this site | |
Until December 2000, told you about the various versions of
this site,
the different servers and hosts, the numerous URLs I had
to adopt...
What a story... But a little boring,
Let's see
it this way : how did this site evolve from its beginning ?NB
: the number of pages includes both French and English pages.
June 1997 | | February
1999 | | |  | |  | |
| | | | |
| Beginning of my Webmaster's
adventures... Site made (with numerous curses) on MS Publisher. Hosted
by Geocities. 11 pages - 0.7 Mb | | No
Internet connection between October 1997 and May 1998, so there was no possible
update. Big update in the beginning of 1999 with MS FrontPage. Hosted
by Geocities. 37 pages - 6 Mb | |
June 1999 | | December
1999 | | |

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| | | | |
| New architecture with
a frames system. Picture size reduction, download time optimized. Geocities
being unreachable from VN, moving to Citeweb. 44 pages - 4.5 Mb | | New
colors, new pages, revision, corrections, ameliorations... Hosted by Citeweb. 52
pages - 10 Mb | |
| February 2000 | |
June 2000 | | |  | |  | |
| | | | |
| Complete rebirth of the
site on the "Tex Mex" theme, with a new menu system (a Java applet).
I buy my domain name : www.chez-pierre.net. Hosted
by Citeweb. 61 pages - 17 Mb | | The
site gets finer, I add a few "gizmos" (in JavaScript, CGI...) and Coccynelle
makes a banner and a button for me. Hosted by Citeweb. 80 pages - 21
Mb | |
| December 2000 | |
January 2001 | | |  | |  | |
| | | | |
| The golden age of the
"Tex Mex" theme... End of the frames and adoption of a new JavaScript
menu system. Between August and October, I had to move the site several times
: Citeweb, Crosswinds, Cybercities, Freeflight... Finally, I decide to buy
some space on "Le Village" (240 FF -about 30USD- per year with FTP). Many
new pages, thanks to the hundreds of pictures I scanned during the summer in Belgium. 162
pages - 36 Mb | | It's when
i switched on my new monitor and connected to my site that, resisting to an upcoming
heart attack when seeing the true colors of "Tex Mex", I decide to start
the update to the new "Millennium Bamboo 2001" version of "Chez
Pierre". Hosted by Le Village. 164 pages - 35 Mb | |
June 2001 | | December
2001 | | |  | |  | |
| | | | |
| OK, bamboo is nice, but
I should have found more nice quality gifs to use this theme. So the appearance
was a bit improved, it's not yet really what I want, but... I'm glad, however,
about the evoultion of the architecture of the site, and moreover of the content
: 50 new pages (and 50 Mb, glops !) in 6 months ! 212 pages - 600 photos-
86 Mb | | Better, it's
better. New interface and new menus, new look... "Webmatin" is
out (outrageous mockery towards the USA on Sept. 11th). Il also moved the
site on another server, with the Domain Name. That was smart : 3 months later
the previous server crashed for 6 weeks. 230 pages - 630 photos- 90 Mb | |
June 2002
January 2003
More improvements, in the content and in the background.
I rescanned many pictures and updated many pages, several
months of work.
Another external service messes up, Hit Parade loses
my Guestbook ! I install a new one in PHP.
I also removed my Email adresses from the site to limit
Frequentation is up to 150 visitors/day.
225 pages - 675 photos- 116 Mb
Blue, I want it blue !
Many technical improvements, including PHP for the
whole site, a new host, forums...
The number of visitors/day went up to 300, then 500,
to reach 800 in January 2004... My host didn't appreciate
200 pages - 800 photos - 160 Mb
Page créée le 10 février 2000 - Mise
à jour le 10 avril 2004
©opyright 1997-2007
Pierre Gieling - tous droits réservés
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