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Contact options

Contact |
can you contact me ? | |
With an always increasing number of visitors (1000/day
in January 2005)
and lots of activities, I cannot answer to everybody anymore.
sad, because what you would like to say or ask concerns me ! So,
here are the available options :
You have : | You
could go to : | Comments about this site
which do not require an answer : |
| Question(s) about this
site, travels, expatriation : |
| Question(s)
which are not answered in the FAQ nor the site : |
| Ideas, suggestions,
links, experiences to share, adds (...) (no commercials) : |
| If your message is personnal
you can write to me
by Email
(the answer can take several days, especially if I am
on a mission)
Thank you !

Page créée le 10 juin 2002 - Mise à
jour le 2 février 2005
©opyright 1997-2007 Pierre Gieling
- tous droits réservés
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