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: | Fishing
in Vitshumbi | |
Fishing in a Congolese National park ?While hundreds of African
mammals surround us and seem more interesting than these big fishes without many
| These thoughts seem logical, but if you
read the previous page (In wilderness - 1) you know
that this time I accompany my friend Renato, for whom fishing is a passion. Once
again this morning, we took some bends to go to one of Renato's favourite fishing
places. For me, these bends, the landscapes as on the left
pic and the animals are much more interesting, and I use more gladly my camera
than a bamboo stick ;) |
Ooops... There, Renato
would be hurt... He who has a material of champion and who makes the fortune of
the Brussels' fishermen shops ;) Well, let's go : after all,
fishing can be fun also and I am curious to see (1) if I shall catch something,
(2) what kind of fish one finds here. And in case (1 and
2) would reveal disappointing, there's still (3): the nature around the fishing
spot. |
| There we are. 1.
Take out the material. 2. Chase away the hippos with rocks. 3.
Hey... Wait a minute: "chase away the hippos" ? Well, yes : we
don't want to catch one of them, and we don't want them to break all our invaluable
lines... |
I did see it nevertheless: One
of the children had caught a very big fish (a catfish who was probably much more
than 50 cms long) and the battle undertook. Renato came to help his son to haul
back the beast, because this one was really very strong. Sly as a cat also:
it went far away (about fifty metres?), then behind a hippopotamus, and in the
fight the line broke itself in the big mouth of this last one ! Not happy,
my fishermen friends :)
I got one !My line whistles by running
away, I block as a champion, I haul the monster, exulting... H'm...
It is a beautiful small fish! I say "small" by
comparison with others that we caught that day, but especially with regard to
the silurid of more than a metre that another friend got later ! So
we caught (as far as I remember) silurid and catfishes (I was never able to distinguish
them and nobody seems to agree on the question) as well as tilapias, by numerous
very complicated techniques...;) After a little while the
fishing passion abandoned me and I went back to my favorite instrument (the one
with films). |
My first catch, presented by one of the M'toto who
helped us. |
Hellooo ! | The ground
world always attracted me more than the submarine world, and it is also true for
sports, for the kitchen... Having said that, dabbling hippos,
that's nice. They are a little bit like cows, a little like
porks, a little elephants, a little whales... Well, they are especially very "hippo"
! Although... Shouldn't we rather say "very hyper"? I'm
nuts, would you say... |
It is nevertheless a really funny animal:
he's amphibian and spends the major part of its life in the water (or in the mud
mixed with its excrements, what a pig !) But he has to breathe
in the surface, like a whale... Worse : from time to time,
he has to take out its elephant-like 3 tons out of the water to go graze, because
he's an herbivore ! What a cow... Well, after all the man
also is a funny animal... |
Big mouth ! |
| Oh ! The fishermen are tired ;) We
put everything back in the car and a little later, we are in the fishermen's village
of Vitshumbi, at the edge of the lake. Paradise for the local
fishermen, for the birds coming for the rests, and for fishermen like us who come
here to eat and to rest. Indeed there are three huts at the
edge of the lake, where a Mama prepares and barbecues the fish you bring her. If
you did not go fishing before or if you are a Sunday-fisherman like me, Mama prepares
you fishes that her family went fishing the same day. |
was not our case, Renato and the children having competed throughout the morning
to fill up the iceboxes with different fishes, among which my favorite : the tilapia
! It is easier to eat because it has fewer fish bones, and
it's more flavourful than silurid, often muddy... Salad,
small bananas and a lot of beer on the side... The village
itself is really pleasant and the photographer is happy... |
A Boeing pirogue... |
| Vitshumbi is pretty isolated and poor,
so the children enjoy themselves as they can with craft toys : wooden trotinettes,
miniature cars made of banana tree's bark, balloons made with a bladder (of ?)... |
marabouts behave there as pets and stroll quietly in the village. Another
funny animal ! |
"Ooow...It's hot !" | And
who makes us laugh well : the big game when you eat fish in the hut, back to the
wall with big windows, is to throw fish bones and waste over your shoulder while
you eat. Clak-clak-clak-clak ! The marabouts
wait outside and, as soon as they see something coming, they hurry on it with
their long beaks ! That works also with beer caps, sticks,
etc. but please, be nice ! |
On the right, a photo taken in the famous
huts, but later, during the visit of my dear mother. Not
only the marabouts like receiving guests ;) |
Mom's making friends |
"Ooow... It's hot !" | That
stop was particularly good for us : my Jeep Willys was not as comfortable as a
big modern 4x4, not air-conditioned either... It was also
necessary to give some fuel to this one (siphoning Diesel with the mouth, blah
!) and its occupants ;) | And the view
is included !
A solitary hippopotamus : stay away !
Next page : The
Rwindi with my Jeep
Page créée le 10 juin 2001 - Mise à jour le 6 juillet
2002 ©opyright 1997-2007
Pierre Gieling - tous droits réservés
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