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Louisiana >> BVHS

: | Boothville-Venice
H.S. | |
My morning school, posted firearms and drugs
free zone, but not "French teacher free zone"... |


on the photo to see it bigger (like any picture on this site) and to find
me ! | My morning schoolMasterfully
directed by Mrs. Lavern Duncan, who played a major role in my success
over there and in my life, noticeably helped by way-too-much-people for me to
name here, this rural school succeeds in giving quality education to kids
for whom many others would give up. Carol Roberts, Ellen
Condry and many motivated teachers are the key to success of this school, despite
its bad location, at the end of the Mississippi delta, land of the Oilers (from
which we get the name of our football team), land of the poor and the hurricanes,
where the School Board does everything it can to attract teachers (low rent housing,
medical insurance...) |
My job : There I was
teaching French as a second language in 4 classes every morning : The
two 4th grade classes with the method "Spirale 2000" I et II (30
minutes per day for each class) ; A group of voluntary
students from the two 5th grade classes with the method "Spirale 2000"
III (30 minutes per day) ; A group of voluntary students
from the 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes (Middle school) with the method "J'arrive
vite et bien" (50 minutes per day) | 
At BVHS we learn FrenchOf
course, do you say ? However, nobody believed it at my arrival.
Arriving at school in the morning. It's the only place
I know where the speed can be limited to 25mph on a highway, two times per day
! And don't you dare to try speeding... |
The area is not French speaking at all anymore. Most
of my predecessors (and 2 out of 3 of my successors so far) broke their teeth
on it and left. Students are difficult from an American point of view, and
look like monsters to the eyes of some Europeans. Yes, but... 1-
I was decided to take up the challenge2- Mrs Duncan is
one of a Principal3- When one's scratches the coat... |
the masks...Are kids who just wait for a chance not to
get bored 'til 3:00 pm. And as for the learning thirst, it is hidden a few
more coats under that one. So I scratched, pulled, pushed, showed
off, laughed, stormed, disciplined, rewarded, motivated... Taught
when I could and waited when I couldn't do anything else... Invented,
fabricated, made, invested... | 

| Taken
by some kind of work madness...I got to re-establish in
Boothville-Venice a real quality French program, as soon as the first
year. Not the best FFL program, far from that, but a teaching
program that compares, motivating for those who can be motivated (about 60% of
the students continue when the program is not mandatory anymore if they can) and
giving those solid basics in French. Years later, some students
keep writing to me :o) | Production
From the beginning, I started producing,
producing... Having bought a second hand computer (see the page "my
computers") I began consuming dozens of paper rams. Not without
results nor traces : in addition to (about) 600 lesson plans, I used three printers
producing additions to the methods, overhead transparencies, files, teaching charts
and posters, ... Ok, enough. All that stayed in BVHS
when I left, but that's not quite all : anyone, I think, likes to prepares his
/ her succession so that everything "at the worst continues like before",
right ? So I left in Boothville full closet of teaching materials,
in the office I finally got after 2 years of persuasion. A big guide to
the schools and the Parish. And an apartment. With all the furniture.
The dishes. Books, tapes, etc. And an inventory of all these assets
at the School Board, I'm not so naïve ;o) | 
: quite a temper, but with no doubts one of the most gifted... |

| What
else can be said ?Boothville-Venice stays in my heart and
I may go back there one day, knowing the difficulties and the joy waiting for
me. And knowing that if I want so, I will not be alone there : B.V.H.S.
has a staff, a faculty. Knowing that it is a school that
resemble no other, and I'm not talking about the "anti-hurricane" building
on piles. Knowing that "The end of the world"
is also "Where the road begins"... |
Did I tell you about my other activities in BVHS ?

throw... | 
one of its results, on Amber... |

the 4th graders at the swimming pool | 
of my all times best student... |
Next page : the school
I taught every afternoon
Page créée le 13 juin 1997 - Mise à jour le 30
septembre 2000
©opyright 1997-2007
Pierre Gieling - tous droits réservés
| |