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Louisiana >> Bayous

: | In
the bayous ! | |
When one's say "Louisiana", we all think "bayous"
And that's right : on one hand, it's a word that specifically designate these
Louisianan low depth, stagnant or very slow stream creeks, and on the the other
hand it is said that one third of this 125 000 km² state is made of
bayous... But the word bayou is supposed to be used only in the South-Western
part of the state. On this page, you'll find some of the hundreds of pictures
I took there, but few texts : I'm not a fauna and flora specialist ;)
in the bayous is a common activity in Louisiana.
Access is easy, either
by boat (about any Louisianan has at least a flat boat), either by foot through
some of these protected , state or national park bayous that have been equipped.
This picture looks like many others, taken in Vietnam's arroyos... |

one is specially equipped to be accessed by everyone. |
These enormous areas of water and greens are thus a peace heaven,
only a few miles away from highways crime-driven cities. |
OK, let's
not be totally glamorous : you could find there a noisy speedboat or visitors
not so anxious to enjoy nature... Actually, you could be
very unlucky and have to pass through boxes of Big Macs and cans of Diet Coke
while enduring Raped assaults of an ugly Boom Box... |

sound of the Yamaha at night deep in the woods... |

bayou, it's magic... | But in general,
unless you're unlucky, the bayou is a magical place... Mysterious...
Strange... Full of secrets... Of treasures
also ? Jean Lafitte, where did you burry your pirates' treasure
? |
So you've to go there early in the morning,
or else on Sunday at mass time ;) The bayou is empty... Or
actually, it is full ! Full of wild life to be discovered,
in silence, patiently, next to the tracks... | 
! Silence... Listen closely... Observe... |
first... But not the last ! | If
you can walk in silence, open you ears and your eyes, you'll be quickly rewarded... |
it will always be different : there is the lizards season, the snakes one, but
also those of the flowers, the raccoons, the spiders, the alligators... | 
Sneaky-snaky-snakey... |

a stick ! | This last one indeed is
the visitors favorite : many just run through the rest to go to the spot where
the gators usually show up, ignoring the other animals, or worse stepping on them... What
a zoo ! But who observes who ? This
picture was not taken with a tele, but with a 35mm wide angle... I cropped
the bottom part of the picture to hide my knees (I'm on a wood wharf, a few inches
above the water). |
A zoo, yes, but without cages and certitudes... Shall
we see something ? Yes, probably... What ? I
don't know... Where ? No idea... Open your eyes
! Watch your steps ! Look in front of y... Too late. 'Morning,
Mrs. Spider, you've many friends around here ? Oh yes, dear,
we're about ten thousands in the area, but this month only since there are less
visitors. So please watch our webs : it's made of big strong
thread, but with you big dummies... | 
as big as a big mygal, but around 4 inches, still... |

Nice... |
Oh ! Look here ! Hello Mister Raccoon,
can you clean up a few fruits for my lunch ? Sorry, buddy,
'just found a Big Mac here with some French fries, so you see... Beuh... And
by the way, fries are Belgian ! It's not because these Americans say "French
fries" that... Oh, well... Bye, dude. |
I guess you got the point, the Bayou, it's... Fill in yourselves
! As for me, I adore it. One more word
: the Cypress knees (in French "genoux de Cyprès") are those aerial
roots you can see everywhere on this picture (click
on it -as with any picture on this site- to make it bigger in a new window). | 
sea press needles. Er, well... |

Ooooh, my beautiful bayou... |
Next page : New Orleans
créée le 26 janvier 2001 - Mise à jour le 27 janvier 2001
©opyright 1997-2007 Pierre Gieling - tous droits
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