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written (1995-1996) | |
Articles in the local newspapersIn 1995-1996 and 1996-1997, I wrote monthly in the local
newspapers to announce the "Students of the Month" (those who improved
the most, who made themselves the most positively noticed, who participated the
most...) and to give some news from the French class. Reading these again a
few years later, I find it fun to see the evolution of these articles (from simple
announcements to a real motivation and teaching tool) so I put them up on this
site ! NB : the pictures are not very good (I only have photocopies
of these newspapers !) and the texts have sometimes been edited by the editors.
Septembre 1995 Boothville-Venice
Students Learn About French Culture Good
news for all students learning French in Boothville-Venice! This year, Mr. Pierre,
from Belgium, decided to carefully select one student at each level (Beginners
and Advanced) as "Student of the Month". This award was already given with success
in Buras Middle last year, thanks to the PTA, and will from now on be published
in our Parish Gazette monthly, for both schools. The criteria will be: results,
progress, participation, positive attitude, help to improve the class' spirit,
and his/her efforts to speak French as much as possible. Selected students
for September were: In Boothville-Venice High School among all beginners (4th
grade) Charlie Gerkin; in Boothville-Venice High School among all advanced (5/6/7/8th
grade) Kirk Landry; Buras Middle School among all students (6/7/8th grade) James
| Congratulations students!
You did great last month and deserve all the gifts you received. I am looking
forward to continue to work with you, and maybe ...select you as "Student of the
Year" in May 1996! Mr. Pierre, French Teacher. 
1995 French Class Students Of The Month ChosenBy MR. PIERRE,
It's already time again to announce the carefully selected "Students of the Month"
among all those who learn French at Boothville-Venice High School and Buras Middle
School with Mr. Pierre! After having observed them for results, progress,
participation, positive attitude, help to improve the class' spirit and their
efforts to speak French as much as possible, the honored ones for October are:
In Boothville-Venice High School among all beginners, 4th grade, Derrel Naquin;
in Boothville-Venice High School among all advanced, 5, 6, 7 & 8th grades,
Randall Lott; in Buras Middle School, among all students, 6, 7, & 8th grades,
Jonathan St. Ann. | Congratulations
students! You did great last month and deserve all the gifts you will receive.
I am looking forward to continue to work with you, and maybe...select you
as "Student of the Year" in May 1996. 
1995 French Students Of Month Announced At BV & Buras
It pays to discover...the
French language with Mr. Pierre! That's what three lower-Plaquemines (but upper-achiever)
students must think right now. As for September and October (see previous editions),
Mr. Pierre is proud to announce three very carefully selected "Students of the
Month" among the 125 students who learn French every day in Boothville-Venice
and Buras Middle. After having observed them for results, progress,
participation, positive attitude, help to improve the class' spirit and their
efforts to speak French as much as possible, the "special ones" for November
are: in Boothville-Venice High School, among all beginners (4th grade) Robert
Ellis; in Boothville-Venice High School, among all advanced (5,6,7, and 8th grade)
Kenny Tiet; in Buras Middle School, among all students (6,7, & 8th grade)
Liza Brupbacher. Bravo, les enfants! Say it in French: Très bien! I have
to confess.... that I am hurried to see who, among all of you, will deserve to
be called "Student of the Year" in May 1996! |
Contest: The first student who can tell me what "Le petit renne au nez rouge"
is wins 100 Belgian Francs (French Class Reward Money). Hurry, the solution will
be published next month! 
OF MONTH - Pictured above are Robert Ellis and Kenny Tiet. Not pictured Liza Brupbacher. |
Décembre 1995 Mr. Pierre Announces
Great French Students Of Month "Fantastiques"
is the word I would choose to qualify three of my dear students, learning French,
day by day...Wait a minute...Maybe "super" would be more appropriate? Or "Extraordinaires"?
And who would deserve those adjectives more than 120 others? It was again very
difficult to select three "Students Of The Month". But after a brainstorm
comparable to a hurricane, these three names came up for December and really deserve
that honor: Franck Plaisance, among all beginners, 4th grade Boothville-Venice
High School; Emily Gerkin, among all advanced, 5,6,7 & 8th grades Boothville-Venice
High School; Michael Marino, among all students, 6,7 &, 8th grades Buras Middle
School. Felicitations! Keep going, you never know what's next for
you. Last month, I asked what "Le petit renne au nez rouge" is. Lauren Frelich
(a happy-going 4th grader in Boothville-Venice) whispered "The Little Red Nose
Reindeer" in my left ear and won 100 Belgian Francs (French Class Reward Money)!
| Try this one now: "Le journal
de la Paroisse est très intéressant"! No need to whisper the answer... Mr.
Pierre, French Teacher. 
Janvier 1996 Mr. Pierre Recognizes
French Students Oops...I
owe you all some apologies, dear readers. It's about time I proudly announce the
Students Of The Month for January. Especially since these three students really
stand out : Richie Boyd, among all beginners 4th grade, Boothville-Venice High
School; Jessie Buffinet, among all advanced 5,6,7 & 8th grade, Boothville-Venice
High School; Roman Barthelemy, among all students 6,7 & 8th grade, Buras Middle
School. Bravo! You did well, and even better. And you can be sure
you will not be forgotten when time will come to select the "Students of the Year"!
Keep going! I will support you all! Mr. Pierre |

OF MONTH - Pictured above are Jessie Buffinet and Richie Boyd. Not pictured Roman
Barthelemy. |
1996 French Students Of Month announced By Mr. Pierre
February was a busy month, hard
for the students, the parents and their teachers. Among other events we want to
remember the Parent-Teacher Conference day: it's always a pleasure to meet caring
parents, concerned about their children's present and future. Of course, the three
following students are not the only "good" ones... But these really deserve something
special for their extraordinary performance: the honor of being called "Students
of the Month"! They are Lauren Frelich of Boothville-Venice, among all
beginners 4th grade; Jordan Mareno of Boothville-Venice, among all advanced 5,
6, 7, and 8th grades; and Hung Huynh of Buras Middle, among all students 6, 7
and 8th grades. Yes, it's coming soon: May 1st I will very carefully
select three "Students of the Year"! And this will not be done randomly! Keep
doing your best! Sincerely yours, Mr. Pierre.
Concours! Surprisingly, I haven't received any answer to the last contest.
I asked what "Le journal de la Paroisse est très intéressant" means... Come
on, you can figure it out! Clue: if that statement was not true, we would be very
isolated ! 
Mars 1996 French Students
Of Month Announced Ta-tzaam!
Applause...Yes! Here they are, in no particular order of merit, since all three
deserve to be cheered for their improvement, participation, motivation, motivationing
efforts, heu...well, that's about it, but that's a lot! You should see them in
class, they are great, as well as a lot of their classmates! Oh, well, if you
want me to say it: BVHS and BMS are great places to teach French! We don't have
a lot of materials, or perfect students with a great Cajun background, but we
just manage to have great French classes anyway! Ta tzaam! Cheer these
students for March: Robert Demoll in fourth grade at Boothville-Venice High School,
cannot believe he is so good, one of the very best, but he is! He definitely is!
Jeremy Smith, eighth grader at Boothville-Venice High School, would almost never
raise his hand to give the answer he always knows, because he is gifted, excellent,
great, but doesn't want to show it. And Melissa Price a sixth grader in Buras
Middle, hides her motivation and great abilities very well, but we all know how
good she is. Waow! Bravo! I have received the correct answer to the last
contest, and we all know by now that we are not very isolated anymore. I asked
what "Le journal de la Paroisse est très intéressant" means. And guess who
told me, in the corner of my right ear, "The Parish Newspaper is very interesting"?
| Yes! It's her, again! At
the cost of a long-distance phone call to get confirmation of her good guess!
A happy-going fourth grader, February's Student of the Month: Lauren Frelich.
With another gift of 100 Belgian Francs, she's becoming the richest French student.
Let's challenge her again, to see if she will be able - again - to give me the
answer before you all: today, I ask what "Le lapin de Pâques est très gentil"
means. On your marks...get set... 
STUDENTS OF MONTH- Pictured above are the French Students of the Month for
March. They are Jeremy Smith and Robert Demoll. |
Avril 1996 French Students Of Month
Announced Incredible...Unbelievable...but
true; I am selecting the last "Students of the Month" of this school year. Yes:
it is almost over, "fini", "terminé". But the best is yet
to come: naming the "Students of the Year". That will be quite a brainstorm! It's
already so hard to select the three most improved, most participating, most outgoing,
most this, most that for each month. Talk about the whole year! Well...I still
have a few days for that, and, as a matter of fact, I already have a pretty good
idea. That I will not let anyone know about until the time comes! But let's
focus on those who deserve, no less than the previous ones, the title of "Students
of the Month" for April: Kevin Louviere, a fourth grader at Boothville-Venice
High School is never satisfied with what I teach in class: he always has to ask
me more and more in French. Jordan Buras, a fifth grader in Boothville-Venice
High School has been waiting for this all year long: he knows he is good, I just
did not want to make it too easy for him, I wanted him to show himself at his
best until the end. | And
Leo Harrison, a seventh grader in Buras Middle, is the "quietly excellent"
kind. He had some difficulties recently, but he is back on the tracks! Go, go,
Leo! By the way, please don't write it "Geaux", thinking this
would be the correct spelling in French: "Geaux" would be pronounced
"Jo", and what's more, the correct French word is "Allez"! So: "Allez
les gars!": "Go on, guys!" - Mr. Pierre 
STUDENTS OF MONTH-Pictured above are the French Students of the Month for April.
They are Kevin Louviere and Jordan Buras. | Mai
1996 Mr. Pierre Announces French Outstanding Students Of YearOui!
Oui! Oui! (Yes, yes, yes!) It's THE event of the year for all students taking
French with Monsieur Pierre in Boothville-Venice and Buras Middle: the long-awaited
announcement of the "Students Of The Year"! Take a spoon full of Motivation, at
least a bowl of Participation, some good French words and sentences, a good dose
of humor, a cup of curiosity and interest. Mix with help to French class spirit.
Boil to the highest point. Let cool down, but not too much: make sure the mixture
stays at the top. Check carefully once in a while, it must constantly improve
in quality. If everything goes right, 'Voila!", after a few months you have a
"Student of the Year" in front of you! The recipe seems simple,
but do not forget that it takes a while. What's harder is to evaluate and make
a decision: who? It is heart-breaking to have to choose among students who, for
most of them, did the tremendous job of learning, step by step, a second language
and some bits of another culture. But I promised to select the most outstanding
student for each category, and so did I (it cost me the most outstanding headache
I ever had). The three super-honored ones are...Kevin Louviere, a
fourth grader at Boothville-Venice High School, who has always been going, and
goin, and going... but he doesn't have big, long ears. I stopped counting his
extra questions, but didn't stop to answer them because I quickly realized he
was remembering, and using them! Kirk Landry, among all fifth, sixth,
seventh and eighth graders in Boothville-Venice High School, is that funny and
smart little guy who found himself a French nickname. "Chou de Bruxelles" invests
a lot to learn more. Jonathan St. Ann, among all sixth, seventh and
eighth graders in Buras Middle School, has had "ups and downs" but is definitely
the most deserving student taking French with me in Buras Middle. He did not hesitate
to go back to the basics to be sure to know them, and gave up on some funnier
possibilities to do so. Well...wait a minute...Wow! Look at the names
.for the selected ones in Boothville-Venice... Notice anything? I swear, I did
not do it on purpose. Should that be another requirement to be "Student.Of The
Year" in French?? No, it is, it must be pure coincidence. These students really
deserved this honor for all the reasons above. Not for the strange fact that their
initials are "KL." And neither because their middle name initial is "J". No. But
it's definitely strange. Voila. This time, I will have to put my wonderful
writing talents (huh! huh!) on the side, and let you enjoy your summer holidays.
So will I, to be fully ready for next year. We all need this break, don't we?
And don't be jealous of the honored ones: if you honestly consider it, they really
deserve it. So will you next year, if you want to! Have a wonderful, restful,
enjoyable and memorable summer holiday. All of you! Sincerely: Mr. Pierre.
See the columns of 1996-1997
Page créée le 26 août 2000 - Mise à jour le 26
octobre 2002 ©opyright 1997-2007
Pierre Gieling - tous droits réservés
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